And as my rendition above attests, for I did not have to look those up, I still remember those mneumonics after all this time. It sounds a little silly, doesn't it? But for those of you who used this method, you know what I'm talking about: it really works. I still remember the mneumonics to memorize the placement of keys: " Quick Ask Zoe, What Stops X-rays, Even Dogs Can't.

I think we watched some videos, and there was a retired teacher and expert typist who volunteered at the school and helped our teacher instruct us. Unlike other visits to the computer lab, however, we were not there to play games. (Even back then, I was pretty adept at getting the system to do what I want, if I do say so myself.) We had all the cool games back then: Treasure Mountain, Cross Country Canada (both of which I now have on my computer, and play using DOSBox), and, of course, Math Circus. No, we instead turned left at the doors to populate the "computer lab." This must have been 1998 or 1999, so the computers were all still MS DOS, although they had this nifty feature where you could "boot into" Windows 3.1. On that fateful day, my grade four class was not there to browse the bookshelves and sit at our octagonal tables in chairs now much too small for me. There were several shelves full of colourful books on mythology when I went through that phase, and even a pop-up book about Star Trek, a copy of which I bought for $10 on Abebooks during a bout of nostalgia in the summer, which has not actually arrived yet, and now it occurs to me I should probably ask someone about that.īut I digress. It was through this library that I devoured those Hardy Boys books that my dad did not have, read my way through Nancy Drew, had my first experiences with Tolkien and Lewis and, in later years, Agatha Christie. I already loved the library, and reading in general, by that time. Our class at Isabella Street School descended down to the library, which was nestled in one corner of the unappealing, rather dingy cement and concrete basement. Back in grade four, something miraculous happened.